
Kicking and Screaming - Museum of Liverpool

Anderson wrote, directed and produced this update to the Kicking and Screaming film for the Museum of Liverpool’s Wondrous Place Exhibition.

My brief was the update on the 10-year-old film that focused on the history of the local football fan culture in Liverpool. I decided to remake the film with a more documentary approach. Nothing better describes being a football fan in Liverpool than the fan themselves, as football truly is the lifeblood of Liverpool.

So my team shot with Everton and Liverpool fans over two days and shot around Liverpool for an additional two days. We then sifted through hours of archival footage from football matches, newsreels, and documentaries past and present, to create an authentic story from the fan’s perspective.

You can see the full film at the Museum of Liverpool’s Wondrous Place Exhibition.

Creative Director:
Anderson West

National Museums Liverpool

Production Company:
Fuzzy Duck